Rivers and Floodplains is concerned with the origin, geometry, water flow, sediment transport, erosion and deposition associated with modern alluvial rivers and floodplains, how they vary in time and space, and how this information is used to interpret deposits of ancient rivers and floodplains. There is specific reference to the types and lifestyles of organisms associated with fluvial environments, human interactions with rivers and floodplains, associated environmental and engineering concerns, as well as the economic aspects of fluvial deposits, particularly the modeling of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers. Methods of studying rivers and floodplains and their deposits are also discussed.
Although basic principles are emphasized, many examples are detailed.Particular emphasis is placed on how an understanding of the nature of modern rivers and floodplains is required before any problems concerning rivers and floodplains, past or present, can be addressed rationally.Rivers and Floodplains is designed as a core text for senior undergraduate and graduate students studying modern or ancient fluvial environments, particularly in earth sciences, environmental sciences and physical geography, but also in civil and agricultural engineering.
Rivers are bodies of fresh-water that flow across the land, usually to the sea. They are actually very fundamental and far more important than people realise to everyday life and survival as they provide us with food, energy, transportation and drinking water amongst many other things.Rivers are full of living creatures, people and animals live near rivers as water is a big source to assist survival.
The majority of the biggest cities and towns are built along the rivers, many farms keep their animals along rivers in order to drink from there, they are also used for transportation of people and goods. There are so many factors to show the huge relevance and importance that rivers have to our lives. Why our Easy eBook makes learning about rivers funWe have written this Easy eBook so that learning about rivers is both interesting and fun. Both beautiful and potentially dangerous, rivers start as a small trickle and can build into huge, majestic waterways such as the Amazon or Nile. Filled with life, rivers have played a huge part on our lives through the centuries. Firstly to survive and now more for pleasure. See some interesting facts about these amazing natural creations too.